Workplace Giving

While violence affects us all, violence against women and girls is one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world.1 Globally, one in three women will experience violence in their lifetime. In Papua New Guinea (PNG), that rate increases to two in three.2 The reasons why family and sexual violence happens are many and complex. FemiliPNG Australia believe that complexity is not a barrier to action. Raising awareness, preventing, and responding to violence is the path of hope and justice.

By implementing a workplace giving program at your organisation, you can help us to support services for survivors of family and sexual violence in PNG.

Our support to survivors

Femili PNG

Femili PNG is a Papua New Guinean NGO that supports survivors of family and sexual violence in PNG. They operate case management centres in Lae, Port Moresby and Goroka, and the Bel isi Safe House in Port Moresby.

Over the past 9 years, Femili PNG has developed a strong track record of supporting survivors of family and sexual violence. Over 6,700 individuals have been linked with safe accommodation, medical support, law and justice interventions, financial support, and more.

Femili PNG also undertakes outreach in communities and schools, to raise awareness about violence and the help available. They train community leaders to support survivors in locations they can’t reach directly; and collaborate closely with other service providers to enhance their impact.

FemiliPNG Australia

FemiliPNG Australia is an Australian support organisation for Femili PNG. We recognise that local people, local communities, and local organisations are best placed to respond to the needs of Papua New Guinean families.

Our focus, then, is on being a good partner. FemiliPNG Australia provides technical expertise, governance, and financial support to assist Femili PNG to increase their organisational capability and impact.

We apply all profits and income towards activities that support survivors of family and sexual violence in PNG and improve their access to services.

Workplace Giving

What is Workplace Giving?

Employees make small, automatic donations from their pre-tax pay though their employer’s payroll system. Workplace Giving can be complemented by company donation matching.

Why Workplace Giving?

1. The value of the employee donation is increased.

Since employee donations are made from their pre-tax pay, the tax benefits are immediate. This increases the value of each donation. A donation of $20 only costs between $11.00 and $16.20 to the employee (depending on their tax bracket), but FemiliPNG Australia receives $20. If the workplace matches the donation, we receive $40.

2. It supports survivors of gender-based violence.

As a free case management service, Femili PNG relies on donations to ensure long-term and sustainable programs are available to survivors of family and sexual violence in PNG. Workplace giving means FemiliPNG Australia receives a steady income stream to support Femili PNG’s vital services.

3. It enhances employee engagement and business performance.

Workplace giving provides an opportunity for businesses and employees to work together towards a PNG free of family and sexual violence. This helps staff to find a greater sense of purpose at work; and to feel proud of their employer. It serves as an opportunity to increase staff retention and productivity.

Workplace giving is also a great way for employers to establish credibility as genuine corporate citizens, and to enhance their social impact.

4. It’s one of the easiest ways for employees to make a big impact.

When employees sign up for workplace giving, their donations are managed completely through their payroll. This makes donating to FemiliPNG Australia, and opting-in and -out, easy.

How to set up Workplace Giving?

  • For Employers
  • For Employees

Your organisation can support survivors of FSV in PNG by setting up a workplace giving program and donating to FemiliPNG Australia (ABN 41 706 886 372). All donations go directly towards supporting Femili PNG’s life-changing services. FemiliPNG Australia is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient by the Australian Taxation Office.

Your payroll or accounting software can manage Workplace Giving. Simply set up FemiliPNG Australia as a vendor. Contact us for information about how.

Alternatively, a Workplace Giving Program can be set up at your organisation using a platform like Benevity. Contact us for more information.

Additional information about setting up a Workplace Giving Program is available on the Australian Taxation Office and Workplace Giving Australia websites.

If your organisation is already part of our workplace giving program:

You can sign up to the FemiliPNG Australia workplace giving program by contacting your organisation’s payroll team. Provide them with your name, contact information and employee information, and tell them how much you would like to donate each pay cycle.

You are also welcome to contact us for further information about our work, or for support navigating the workplace giving program.

If your organisation isn’t part of our workplace giving program yet:

If you’d like to help set up a workplace giving program in your organisation, we’d love to hear from you! Get in touch via the contact form below, or email [email protected].

Workplace Giving Resources

Contact us

To learn more about workplace giving, get in touch via the contact form below! Alternatively, you can phone (02) 6183 6737 or email [email protected].

    Your position

    2. Fulu, E, Warner, X, Miedema, S, Jewkes, R, Roselli, T and Lang, J 2013. Why Do Some Men Use Violence Against Women and How Can We Prevent It? Quantitative findings from the United Nations Multi-country study on men and violence in Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok: UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women and UNV.