About us

FemiliPNG Australia is an Australian not-for-profit that works in partnership with local and international organisations to prevent and respond to family and sexual violence in Papua New Guinea. Our key partnership is with Femili PNG, a leading Papua New Guinean non-government organisation (NGO) that provides free, survivor-focused, and empowering case management services; research-based advocacy; outreach and training.

Our vision

A strong and sustainable Femili PNG working towards a Papua New Guinea free of family and sexual violence.

Our mission

To be an effective, efficient, and ethical organisation supporting local solutions to family and sexual violence in PNG.

FemiliPNG Australia recognises that local people, local communities, and local organisations are best placed to respond to the needs of Papua New Guinean families.

We therefore aim to be a good partner, providing technical expertise, governance, and financial support to assist Femili PNG to increase their organisational capability and impact.

Our values

FemiliPNG Australia’s values are the cornerstones of our organisation. These values not only reflect who we are as an organisation, but also shape our approach to our work and projects. We strive to create a safe and supportive environment that is grounded in these values, and we believe that by staying true to them, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

  • Respectful partnerships: We believe the best outcomes can be achieved through partnerships that are responsive and founded on listening, learning and mutual respect.
  • Equality: All people deserve to live a life free from family and sexual violence.
  • Integrity: We are honest and act ethically to achieve our mission. We take individual and collective responsibility to ensure that our actions reflect our words.
  • Kindness: We work with empathy and compassion, for ourselves and for others.
  • Courage: We have the courage to lead, to take on big challenges. We are not afraid to fail. 
  • Resilience: Our commitment is long-term, and our organisation will be here to see the mission

Our board

FemiliPNG Australia’s Board members are dedicated professionals, with a commitment to quality, locally-led, international development practice.

Board members:

  • Shelly Mallett (Chair Elect)
  • Professor Stephen Howes (Outgoing Chair, and ex officio Board member, representing Femili PNG)
  • His Excellency Mr John Ma’o Kali CMG OBE (Deputy Chair)
  • Mehere Maladina (Secretary)
  • Tom Sloan (Treasurer)
  • Fiona Gunn
  • Robin Davies

Previous Board members:

  • Sue Sadauskas (2022 – 2023)
  • Daisy G Plana (2022 – 2023)
  • Denga Ilave (2022 – 2023)

Contact us

[email protected]

02 6125 3446

ABN 41 706 886 372

C/- Development Policy Centre
7 Liversidge Street
Australian National University
Acton, ACT, 2601