
Strongim Femili PNG: 2023-24 in review

FemiliPNG Australia’s partnership with Newmont PNG and Femili PNG for the Strongim Femili PNG Program is strengthening local solutions to family and sexual violence.  

Many communities around the world face the serious issue of family and sexual violence, but in Papua New Guinea, the problem is particularly severe. According to a report by the Human Rights Watch, Papua New Guinea remains one of the most dangerous places to be a women or girl and sorcery accusation-related violence representing the greatest threat to stability at the community level. A dire lack of services for survivors of gender-based violence further compounds the problem. There are significant human resources challenges for organisations working with FSV, with the needs of survivors far exceeding the capacity in the country. The Strongim Femili PNG program seeks to address this issue and empower survivors of violence by improving the quality of FSV services. The Strongim Femili PNG program provides training and development opportunities to Femili PNG personnel.   

Over 2023-24 every FPNG staff member had participated in at least one training course. For many staff members, this was the first opportunity they have had to access formal training. By improving staff competencies and confidence, these initiatives have strengthened and enhanced organisational capability, leading to improved services that benefit not only the survivors but also their families and communities, fostering a safer and more supportive environment for all.  

Training available to staff through the Strongim Femili Program this financial year included: 

  • Management and leadership training
  • Senior management training and coaching
  • Mental health first aid training
  • Security training

Read more about these trainings here.  

Participant and trainer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. The Strongim Femili PNG Program continues to be well received, and highly valued by Femili PNG.  

I felt that I came out of it stronger. At first, I was nervous and scared and did not know what to learn and how to take part in it. I highly appreciate the skills and knowledge learnt and am sure that the skills will go a long way. Thank you!

– Femili PNG staff member. 

Needs identified 2023-24

With a continued increase in the number of child clients seeking support, Femili PNG identified the need for child protection training to better support caseworkers. This year, Femili PNG staff members participated in child protection training at the Centre for Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse (CPTCSA) in the Philippines. Collaborating with partners outside of Papua New Guinea allowed staff to learn different approaches to case management and apply new knowledge in a culturally relevant manner.  

Caseworkers who attended the training felt significantly more confident in handling child abuse and exploitation cases. They reported feeling better equipped to work with child clients and identified areas for improvement, such as working with perpetrators of violence and adopting trauma-sensitive approaches. Specific changes in their approach include an increased understanding of clients who drop out and return for assistance, and of the challenges faced by those seeking services.  

Progress towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Violence affects all of us, however, violence against women and girls is one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world. Globally, one in three women will experience violence in their lifetime. In PNG, that rate increases to two in three.   

While Goal 5: Gender Equality highlights gender equality; realising the rights of women and girls to live a life free from family and sexual violence is fundamental to achieving all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Sustainable Development Goals are interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind, our projects take action on many of the goals. The Strongim Femili PNG Program works towards many other intersecting SDGs including Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals.    

During the year, FemiliPNG Australia, Newcrest PNG and Femili PNG partnered together for the Strongim Femili PNG Program to provide professional development opportunities to all 66 Femili PNG staff members (Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals). The professional development opportunities available to Femili PNG allow for staff members to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote gender equality (Goal 4: Quality Education), and peace, justice and strong institutions (Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). The commitment to long-term growth and learning will ensure that Femili PNG consistently provides high-quality, informed and compassionate support to survivors, their families and the broader community.  

FemiliPNG Australia greatly appreciates the valuable contribution of Newmont PNG to the Strongim Femili PNG Program.  

We would also like to thank all the training facilitators who supported the Strongim Femili PNG project, including: 

  • Cairnmillar Institute 
  • Andrew Cunningham 
  • Dawn Casey Management  
  • Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse (CPTCSA)