
Moving Femili PNG to the cloud

We’re helping Femili PNG improve their IT systems and teaching them to operate it themselves. In our visit to Femili PNG in December, training was provided to many staff and new features of a cloud base case management system were rolled out.

Femili PNG’s Patron launches coffee with a cause

Femili PNG’s Patron and Papua New Guinea’s High Commissioner to Australia, Mr John Kali, is proud to announce the launch of Femili PNG coffee in Australia. In purchasing Femili PNG coffee, you are not only supporting women coffee growers, but also providing much-needed assistance to survivors of family and sexual violence.

Femili PNG team meets Ukuni Women in Coffee

Femili PNG, through its sister organisation, Friends of Femili PNG (FFPNG), has partnered with female coffee growers to raise funds for Femili PNG. FFPNG will purchase coffee from the Ukuni women’s association and sell it in Australia, empowering the coffee growers and helping to fund the mission of Femili PNG.